Sati System and Devdasi System part 1
A Dive into Sati system : A reality or a lie created by Britishers This post can be a little boring for people who hated history in childhood, the author is also the part of the same group, relax!!, i will try to make this post interesting. Does the name Raja Ram Mohan Roy ring any bells ? We all studied about him when we were in 9th or 10th standard. The Questions in the exam said : Who was Raja Ram Mohan Roy ? like a scholar i answered He was a great Indian culture reformer, abolished the social evil of Sati from various parts of India mainly East India. Now i am not writing this post for marks but to reflect the truth. First of all this Raja Ram Mohan Roy was not a Raja , it was a mere title given to him by Britishers to be their puppy in the colonization of India. Let me reflect some light on his early life not taught to us in our manipulative history books. Ram Mohan was a British pet, he was used by Britishers to covert ...